TOP Control Systems Multiple choice Questions and Answers pdf

11.    The initial response when tne output is not equal to input is called
(a)     Transient response
(b)     Error response
(c)     Dynamic response
(d)     Either of the above
Ans: a

12.    A control system working under unknown random actions is called
(a)     computer control system
(b)     digital data system
(c)    stochastic control system
(d)    adaptive control system
Ans: c

13.    An automatic toaster is a ______ loop control system.
(a)     open
(b)     closed
(c)    partially closed
(d)    any of the above
Ans: a

14.    Any externally introduced signal affecting the controlled output is called a
(a)     feedback
(b)     stimulus
(c)     signal
(d)     gain control
Ans: b

15.   A closed loop system is distinguished from open loop system by which of the following ?
(a)     Servomechanism
(b)     Feedback
(c)    Output pattern
(d)    Input pattern
Ans: b

16    is a part of the human temperature control system.
(a)    Digestive system
(b)    Perspiration system
(c)    Ear
(d)     Leg movement
Ans: b

17.   By which of the following the control action is determined when a man walks along a path ?
(a)     Brain
(b)     Hands
(c)     Legs
(d)     Eyes
Ans: d

18    is a closed loop system.
(a)     Auto-pilot for an aircraft
(6)     Direct current generator
(c)    Car starter
(d)    Electric switch
Ans: a

19.    Which of the following devices are commonly used as error detectors in instruments ?
(a)     Vernistats
(b)     Microsyns
(c)     Resolvers
(d)     Any of the above
Ans: d

20.    Which of the following should be done to make an unstable system stable ?
(a)     The gain of the system should be decreased
(b)     The gain of the system should be increased
(c)    The number of poles to the loop transfer function should be increased
(d)    The number of zeros to the loop transfer function should be increased
Ans: b

Read More Questions:
Control Systems MCQs Part1
Control Systems MCQs Part2

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