120 TOP Design of Steel Structures Multiple choice Questions and Answers pdf

81.    The centrifugal force due to curvature of track is assumed to act on the bridge at a height of
a)    1.23 m above the rail level
b)    1.50 m above the rail level
c)    1.83 m above the rail level
d)    2.13m above the rail level

Ans: c

82.    The effect of racking forces is considered in the design of
i)    lateral braces
ii)    chord members
The correct answer is
a)    only (i)
b)    only (ii)
c)    both (i) and (ii)
d)    none of the above

 Ans: a

83.    The portal bracing in a truss bridge is used to
a)    transfer load from top of end posts to bearings
b)    keep the rectangular shape of the bridge cross-section
c)    stiffen the structure laterally
d)    prevent the sideways buckling of top chord

Ans: a

84.    The sway bracing is designed to transfer
a)    2Vi % of the top panel wind load to bottom bracing
b)    10% of the top panel wind  load to bottom bracing
c)    25% of the top panel wind load to bottom bracing
d)    50% of the top panel wind  load to bottom bracing

Ans: d

85.    Study the following statements.
i) Top lateral bracing prevents the sidesway buckling of the chord.
ii) Sway bracing keeps the rectangular shape of the bridge cross-section.
iii) Sway bracing transfers the load from top of end posts to bearings.
The correct answer is
a)    only (i)
b)    both (i) and (ii)
c)    both (i) aad (iii)
d)    all (i), (ii) and (iii)

Ans: b

86. The bracing provided in the plane of end posts is called
a)    sway bracing
b)    portal bracing
c)    top lateral bracing
d)    bottom lateral bracing

Ans: b

87. compression force in two end posts The pin of a rocker bearing in a bridge is designed for
a)    bearing and shear
b)    bending and shear
c)    bearing and bending
d)    bearing, shear and bending

Ans: d

88.    The least dimension in case of a circular column of diameter D is taken as
a)    0.5 D
b)    0.68 D
c)    0.88 D
d)    D

Ans: c

89.    In case of timber structures, the form factor for solid circular cross-section is taken as
a)    1.18
b)    1.414
c)    1.67
d)    1.81

Ans: a

90.    In case of timber structures, the simple bending formula M = fz may be applied for
a)    rectangular beams  up to  300  mm depth
b)    all rectangular beams
c)    solid circular beams only
d)    all square cross-section beams

 Ans: a

Read More Questions:
Design of Steel Structures MCQs Part1
Design of Steel Structures MCQs Part2

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