TOP Measurement and Instrumentation Multiple choice Questions and Answers pdf

11.    A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as _____ by using a low resistance shunt.
(a)     ammeter 
(b)     voltmeter
(c)    flux-meter
(d)    ballistic galvanometer
Ans: a

12.    A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as flux-meter
(a)     by using a low resistance shunt
(b)     by using a high series resistance
(c)    by eliminating the control springs
(d)    by making control springs of large moment of inertia
Ans: c

13.    Which of the following devices may be used for extending the range of instruments ?
(a)     Shunts 
(b)     Multipliers
(c)    Current transformers
(d)    Potential transformers
(e)    All of the above
Ans: e

14.    An induction meter can handle current upto
(a)     10 A              
(b)     30 A
(c)    60 A 
(d)     100 A
Ans: d

15.    For handling greater currents induction wattmeters are used in conjunction with
(a)     potential transformers
(b)     current transformers
(c)     power transformers
(d)    either of the above
(e)    none of the above
Ans: b

16.    Induction type single phase energy meters measure electric energy in
(a)    kW 
(b)    Wh
(c)    kWh 
(d)    VAR
(e)    None of the above
Ans: c

17. Most common form of A.C. meters met with in every day domestic and industrial installations are
(a)     mercury motor meters
(b)     commutator motor meters
(c)      induction type single phase energy meters
(d)     all of the above
Ans: c

18.    Which of the following meters are not used on D.C. circuits
(a)    Mercury motor meters
(b)    Commutator motor meters
(c)    Induction meters
(d)    None of the above
Ans: c

19.    Which of the following is an essential part of a motor meter ?
(a)    An operating torque system
(b)    A braking device
(c)    Revolution registering device
(d)    All of the above
Ans: d

20.    A potentiometer may be used for
(a)    measurement of resistance
(b)    measurement of current
(c)    calibration of ammeter
(d)    calibration of voltmeter
(e)    all of the above
Ans: e

Read More Questions:
 Measurement and Instrumentation MCQs Part1
Measurement and Instrumentation MCQs Part2

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