Questions on Electrical Engineering Materials Multiple choice Questions and Answers pdf

91.    Superconducting metal in super conducting state has relative permeability of
(a)     zero 
(b)     one
(c)     negative 
(d)     more than one
Ans: a

92.    In conductors conduction of electricity takes place due to movement of
(a)    electrons only
(b)    positive ions only
(c)    negative ions only
(d)    positive and negative ions
(e)    none of the above
Ans: a

93.    The carbon percentage is least in
(a)    low carbon steel
(b)    wrought iron
(c)    cast iron 
(d)     malleable iron
Ans: b

94.    For a particular material the Hall coefficient was found to be zero. The material is
(a)     insulator 
(6)     metal
(c)     intrinsic semiconductor
(d)     none of the above
Ans: b

95.    The conductivity of an extrinsic semiconductor with temperature
(a)     decreases 
(b)     increases
(c)     remains constant
Ans: c

96.    The current due to electron flow in conduction band is    the hole current in valence band.
(a)     equal to 
(b)     less than
(c)     greater than
(d)     any of the above
Ans: c

97.    For a hole which of the following statements is incorrect ?
(a)     Holes can exist in certain semicon-ductors only
(b)     Holes can exist in any material in-cluding conductors
(c)     Holes may constitute an electric current
(d)     Holes can be considered as a net positive charge
Ans: b

98.     is an element used in semiconductors whose atoms have three valence electrons.
(a)     An acceptor    
(b)     A donor
(c)     Germanium    
(d)     Silicon
Ans: a

99.    The minority carrier concentration is largely a function of
(a)    forward biasing voltage
(b)    reverse biasing voltage
(c)    temperature
(d)    the amount of doping
Ans: c

100.   For germanium the forbidden energy gap is
(a)    0.15 eV 
(b)    0.25 eV
(C)    0.5eV 
(d)    0.7eV
 Ans: d

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