TOP Recent Applied Mechanics and Graphic Statics Multiple choice Questions and Answers

71.    Impulse can be obtained from a
a)    force-displacement diagram
b)    force-time diagram
c)    velocity-time diagram
d)    velocity-displacement diagram
Ans: b

72.    One Newton is equivalent to
a)    1 kg-wt
b)    9.81 kg-wt
c)    981 dyne
d)    1/9.81 kg-wt
Ans: d

73.    Which of the following is a scalar quantity?
a)    energy
b)    momentum
c)    torque
d)    impulse
Ans: a

74.    A heavy ladder resting on floor and against a vertical wall may not be in equilibrium if
a)    floor is smooth and wall is rough
b)    floor is rough and wall is rough
c)    both floor and wall are rough
d)    both floor and wall are smooth
Ans: d

75.    Coefficient of friction depends on
a)    nature of surfaces only
b)    area of contact only
c)    both (a) and (b)
d)    none of the above
Ans: a

76. A rope is wrapped twice around a rough pole with a coefficient of friction 'A . It is subjected to a force F1 at one end and a gradually increasing force F2 is applied at the other end till the rope just starts slip-ping. At this instant the ratio of F2 to Fi is
a)    1
b)    e2*
c)    e4*
d)    e*72
Ans: b

77. A ladder of weight 'w' rests against a smooth vertical wall, and rests on rough horizontal ground, the coefficient of friction between the ladder and the ground being 1/4. The maximum angle of incli¬nation of the ladder to the vertical, if a man of weight 'w' is to walk to the top of it safely, is tan'1 x, where x is
a)    1/4
b)    1/3
c)    3
d)    4  
Ans: b

78. If a body is lying on a plane whose in-clination with the horizontal is less than the angle of friction, then
i)    a force is required to move the body upwards
ii)   a force is required to move the body downward
iii)  the body will not be in equilibrium The correct answer is
a)    only (i)
b)    only (ii)
c)    both (i) and (ii)
d)    both (i) and (iii)
Ans: c

78.   Intrinisic equation of catenary is given by
a)    S = C tan q>
b)    S = C cos cp
c)    S = C sin cp
d)    S = C cot <p
where C is some constant.
Ans: a

79. The shape of a suspended cable for a uniformly distributed load over it is
a)    circular
b)    parabolic
c)    catenary
d)    cubic parabola
Ans: b

80.    Cartesian form of the equation of catenary is
a)    y = c cosh x/c
b)    y = c sinh x/c
c)    y = c tan x/c
d)    y = c sin"1 x/c
Ans: a

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